• 0466 224 4382
  • support@nsscollegeottapalam.org
  • Palakkad - Ponnani Rd, Palappuram, Kerala 679103

Department of English


Transmission of Culture through Education “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”-C.S. Lewis.


  • Continuing to strengthen film and new media studies in ways that differentiate our program from similar programs and establish a position of leadership.
  • To publish a literary magazine edited by department faculty.
  • To more effectively prepare graduate students for successful placements in a competitive job market.


Faculty Profiles

Dr. Sangeetha Varma
Assistant Professor & Head
Ms. Lekshmi S.
Assistant Professor
Dr. Aparna B.
Assistant Professor
Ms. Aneeshya V.
Assistant Professor
Mr. Anand B.
Assistant Professor
Ms. Deepthi C.
Assistant Professor
Dr. Salini V.G.
Assistant Professor
Dr. Hema S.
Assistant Professor
Mr. Anand P.
Assistant Professor


NSS College Ottapalam,
Palakkad – Ponnani Rd,
Palappuram P O,
Palakkad – 679 103,

Office: 0466 224 4382
E-mail: support@nsscollegeottapalam.org
