• 0466 224 4382
  • support@nsscollegeottapalam.org
  • Palakkad - Ponnani Rd, Palappuram, Kerala 679103

College Council


  1. The Principal (Chairman)
  2. All the Heads of Departments in the college
  3. Two elected members
  4. Librarian of the General Library
  •  The Principal shall be the ex-officio President of the Council.
  • The council shall appoint one of the members as the Secretary and the member so appointed shall hold office for one year, but shall be eligible for re-election.
  • It shall be the duty of the Secretary to give notice of the meeting of the Council, to keep a record of the proceedings of such meeting.



  • The Council is empowered to consider and report of any question concerning course of instruction, rules of discipline or accommodation, referred to it by the Principal.
  • The Budget shall be framed by the Principal in consultation with the members of the Council and forward to the Director of Collegiate Education.
  • All cases of serious misconduct on the part of students shall be dealt with by the Principal, ordinarily in consultation with the College Council.


Principal: Dr. Sajeev  K.

Council Secretary: Sri. Priyesh K.G.


Smt. Gayathridevi K.M. IQAC Coordinator & Head, Department of Electronics
Dr. Sangeetha Varma Head, PG Department of English
Dr. Manjula P.S. Head, Department of Hindi
Dr. Sumitha K.B. Head, Department of Malayalam
Dr. Maya C. Pillai Head, PG Department of Economics
Dr. Sunil Kumar G. Head, Department of History
Dr. Vijesh T.P. Head, Department of Political Science
Dr. Ranjusha A.P Head, Department of Botany
Dr. Bijudas Head, Department of Chemistry
Sri. Radhakrishnan K. Head, PG Department of Computer Science
Dr. Sindhu, G. Nair Head, PG Department of Mathematics
Smt.  Nayana  K. Head, PG Department of Physics
Dr. Preethi, N. Head, Department of Zoology
Ms. Geetha, K Head, PG Department of Commerce
Dr. Maya, K Head, Department of Physical Education
Sri. Vijayagovindan, C. Elected Member



NSS College Ottapalam,
Palakkad – Ponnani Rd,
Palappuram P O,
Palakkad – 679 103,

Office: 0466 224 4382
E-mail: support@nsscollegeottapalam.org
