College Union

The college union functions as per the rules and regulations of the University of Calicut. Every year, the union is elected by the students, following the recommendations of the Lyngdoh committee. The student’s body consists of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Joint Secretary, Magazine Editor, General Captain, Arts Club Secretary and 2 UUC. The election is conducted by following the parliamentary system. The union coordinates various activities of the students on the campus. Every year college union conducts a college arts festival. The college union conducts a 3-day film festival every year. College union plays a crucial role in organizing different extracurricular and cultural activities.
Election to the college union for the academic year 2018-19 was conducted on 3rd September 2018 in N.S.S. College, Ottapalam. The following candidates were declared the elect Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Joint Secretary, UUC, Magazine Editor, Fine arts Secretary, and General Captain respectively.
The Chairperson
Vismaya M. V.
IIB.Sc.Computer Science
The Vice Chairperson
Vineetha M.
II BA History
The General Secretary
Vismaya K.S.
I BA Economics
The Joint Secretary
IIBA Hindi
The Magazine Editor
Nileena A.N.
I B.Sc. Mathematics
Fine arts Secretary
Shereefa Sherin A.K.
I B.Sc. Botany
General Captain
Neethu M.
II B.Sc.Physics
U. U. C
Archa S.
IIIB.Sc.Computer Science
U. U. C
Neethumol K. P.
IB.Sc.Computer Science
Staff members in charge
Ms. Nayana K., Staff Advisor (Assistant Professor, Department of Physics)
Dr. Suraja E.M. Staff Editor (Assistant Professor, Department of Malayalam)
Dr. Bindu U., Arts Club President (Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry)
College Union and Fine Arts Club Inauguration (2018-19) Report
The College Union Inauguration was held on the 9th of October 2018, in N.S.S. College, Ottapalam. The inaugural function was presided by Dr. Balachandran S., the Principal of the college. Ms. Nayana K. delivered the welcome address. The Chief Guest of the function Mr. M. B. Rajesh, Member of Parliament, of the 16th Lok Sabha of India inaugurated the College union for the year 2018-19. The Fine Arts Club was inaugurated by Mr. Manikandan Achari, the Cine artist. Dr. Suraja E.M., Dr. Bindu U. and Mr. Hari Narayanan S. falicitated the ceremony. The college union policy note was presented by Vismaya K.S. and Ms. Nileena, the magazine Editor delivered the vote of thanks. The inaugural ceremony was followed by a student cultural programme.
Kerala piravi celebration-Quiz Programme
A quiz competition was organized among UG and PG students of N.S.S. College, Ottapalam on November 1, 2018 in connection with Keralapiravi. The programme was presided by Ms. Manju M.J., (Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry) the Co-Ordinator, Quiz Club.
Result: First prize got to Nanda. N.R (I DC Maths)
Sahithya- Nataka Camp
A Two Day Sahithya – Nataka Camp (Akam)organized by Women cell, Cultural Club, and Students Union N.S.S. College, was conducted on November 30th and December 1st 2018. Mr. Asokan Cheruvil, Writer, inaugurated the camp. Dr. S. Balachandran, Principal, N.S.S. College, Ottapalam presided over the function. Ms. Nayana K. delivered welcome address. Mr. Viju Nayarangadi, writer, Mr. M. M.Sacheendran, poet and critic, Dr. Suraja E. M, poet and Staff editor of union, and Mr. Jinesh Manisseri, scriptwriter addressed students of the camp. The college magazine, whisper for the academic year 2017-18 was released by Mr. Asokan Cheruvil. A review of the camp was presented at the end of camp.
Talk on film and its modern sensibility
A one day programme on ‘Film and its modern sensibility’, was conducted by Students Union N.S.S. College on 3/12/2018. Dr. S. Balachandran, Principal, N.S.S. College, Ottapalam presided over the function. Ms. Nayana K. delivered welcome address. Mr. Jayaraj Mishra, Script writer, inaugurated the function. The chief guest, Mr. Narayanan Namboothiri, Chairman, Ottapalam Municipality, and members of union released the logo for the upcoming Dialogue International Film Festival. Mr. Savad, Member, Dialogue Film Society and Ms. Vismaya M. V., Chairperson, falicitated the programme. Ms. Nileena, Student Editor delivered vote of thanks.
Tug of War Competition
The N.S.S. College Students Union organized a Tug of War Competition on 01-01-2019 as a part of New Year programmes. Eight teams participated in the competition. Team of zoology and Malayalam departments won in the competition
College Arts Fest
The College Arts Fest was celebrated during the month of January 2019, in N.S.S. College, Ottapalam. The competitions for the off Stage and the on-stage programmes were held on January 10 and 11,2019 respectively. The Arts Fest was formally inaugurated on —-. Mr. Radhakrishnan., the Principal in charge of the college presided over the function. Dr. Bindu U. delivered welcome address. Mr. Njeralath Harigovindan, the Sopana sangeetham artist inaugurated the function. The Chief Guest of the function Mr. Pranav, —- addressed the audience. Ms. Nayana K. And Dr. Suraja E.M., felicitated the ceremony. Ms. Shereefa Sherin, the Fine Arts Club Secretary delivered vote of thanks.The inaugural ceremony was followed by various competitions. A total of 70 items were selected for A –Zone Fest which included 54 solo events and 16 group events. Altogether131 participants were selected inclusive of 42 boys and 89 girls.
Campus Rescue Force Formation and Hand on Training
A Disaster Rescue Force team was formed on 15-02-2019 in N.S.S. College, Ottapalam, by a joint venture of The Kerala Fire Force Department, Shornur, National Service Scheme (NSS) and N.S.S.College Students Union. A hand on training and demonstration were also conducted on the same day. The function was presided by Ms. Vineetha M., Vice Chairperson., Dr. S. Balachandran, Principal, N.S.S. College, Ottapalam inaugurated the programme. Ms. Nayana K. delivered welcome address. The Chief Guest of the function Mr. Arun Bhasker, District Fire Officer, Palakkad, addressed students on behalf of the fire Force Department. The aim and theme of the programme was presented by Mr. A.T. Haridasan, Station Officer, Shornur. Dr. Bindu U and Dr. Suraja E.M. falicitated the ceremony. Ms. Akhila S., the Joint Secretary delivered vote of thanks.
Film fest-2019
A film fest was conducted on march 5 and march 6, 2019, in association with film club. List of films screened are Pariyerum perumal, Triangle, Thumbad, Sudani from Nigeria, La la land, Land of mine, Shavam, Night and fog, Meena maasathile sooryan, Shawshank redemption. A short film ‘Fey’ directed by Sudeep(III DC English), and screen play by Shafi (III B.Com.) was also screened.
NSS College Ottapalam,
Palakkad – Ponnani Rd,
Palappuram P O,
Palakkad – 679 103,
Office: 0466 224 4382
E-mail: support@nsscollegeottapalam.org