• 0466 224 4382
  • support@nsscollegeottapalam.org
  • Palakkad - Ponnani Rd, Palappuram, Kerala 679103


Sri. Mannathu Padmanabhan
Founder Leader

Dr. M. Sasikumar

Sri. G. Sukumaran Nair
General Secretary

Prof(Dr) Sujatha S.
Colleges' Central Committee Secretary

The Nair Service Society, a synonym for social service, was founded by the late Bharatha Kesari Sri. Mannathu Padmanabhan on 31-10-1914. The avowed objective of the Society is the uplift of the Nair community. With its strong leadership and service to the community for more than a hundred years, the N.S.S has flourished as a well-knit institution dedicated to social and economic justice, inclusiveness, equity and equality. With its schools, colleges, hospitals, hostels and other institutions of repute in the social service sector throughout the state, the society has been a beacon of hope to generations.


NSS College Ottapalam,
Palakkad – Ponnani Rd,
Palappuram P O,
Palakkad – 679 103,

Office: 0466 224 4382
E-mail: support@nsscollegeottapalam.org
