About College

N.S.S. College, Ottapalam (Accredited with A status by NAAC), affiliated to the University of Calicut, is one of the Arts and Science colleges under the management of Nair Service Society founded by Bharatha Kesari Sri. Mannath Padmanabhan. Ever since its inception in July 1961, the history of the college is marked by excellence in academic activities, service to the community and accountability. It has its motto, “Lucerna Pedibus Meis” meaning, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet”. With its vision, “Lead me from darkness to Light”, the college offers thirteen U.G. and six Postgraduate Programmes. It has been accredited in 2007 and has celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 2011. The college is gearing up for re-accreditation.
Situated on the sprawling 41 acres on the left side of Palakkad-Ponnani road, four kilometers East of Ottapalam town, the college is noted for its greenery. The tall trees inside the college quadrangle provide ample shade and a refreshing ambience for teaching and learning activities. The college caters to the needs of the students of Malappuram, Palghat and Trichur districts. Seventy percent of the students are girls and the college is free from gender discrimination. The College Women’s Hostel is a home away from home. All administrative and academic activities of the college are planned by the Planning Board and monitored and evaluated by Internal Quality Assurance Cell. The PTA helps to maintain a rapport between all stakeholders. The alumni association is a source of strength for the college. Grievance Redressal Cell, Women’s Cell, Anti-ragging Cell, Career and Guidance and Placement Cell and Entrepreneurial Development Club are some of the Clubs/ Cells functioning in the college. NSS units of the college work to create social awareness among the students. ASAP, a student support programme which concentrates on soft-skills training and IT, run with Government funding, is another attraction of the college. New Initiatives of Higher Education Department, WWS and SSP motivate the students to emerge in life. Nature Club, Red Ribbon club, Tourism club, film club and Bhoomitra Sena help to nurture various talents and capabilities in students. The college has a Network Resource Center that adds immensely to the technical acumen of the students. PG students, who are keen to appear for the UGC-NET examination, are benefited from the NET coaching programme provided by the college. An automated well-stacked library with a browsing facility is the greatest attraction of the college. Achievements in University Zonal art fest have been exemplary for a long time, as we provide ample opportunities to all those with artistic talent. A Union, elected by students themselves, looks after all their needs and takes care of students’ welfare. The college also runs innovative programmes like finishing School for the outgoing students. The brilliant students of the college with high EQ attract Multinational companies for campus placements. And Physical Education Department grooms sports teams and prepares them for University/State and National level competitions. In short, the college can boast of all facilities to serve the student community.
NSS College Ottapalam,
Palakkad – Ponnani Rd,
Palappuram P O,
Palakkad – 679 103,
Office: 0466 224 4382
E-mail: support@nsscollegeottapalam.org